
Go Straight Take Left Free Online imdb tt8956392 in Hindi Free HD 1080p kickass






  1. 171 vote
  2. Sumukhi Suresh
  3. movie info - Watch the mind-blasting comedy duo Sumukhi Suresh and Naveen Richard slip in and out of 14 outrageous characters, in 7 absurd sketches, all in 1 dangerously funny hour of live sketch comedy. One second Naveen is playing tennis and the in next, Sumukhi is playing a mosquito. Heart patients and close-minded individuals are not allowed on this ride
  4. 7,9 of 10 Stars



The lost kid go straight take left.

Has fun watching it in between meals, pretty entertaining

What's Her Secret?

What worked - Acting skills of both actors are excellent in certain acts. Blending into each role perfectly. The stand-out act is the ventriloquism act (last act) which was brilliantly acted by both and great story as well. Go straight take left leg.


What did not work - Too many sentences in Kannada during the skits. It looked it was only targeted for the Begaluru audience present there. The Tennis & Mosquito act story-line wasn't great, but efforts in acting there as well is worth the mention. Go straight take left. Go straight take left right.

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